Connecting$to$the$MiFi$2200’s$MiFi$Setting s$
To connect to the MiFi Settings in the MiFi 2200, follow this procedure:
1. Establish a Wi-Fi connection to the MiFi 2200.
- Use your normal Wi-Fi manager on your computer to establish a Wi-Fi connection
from your computer to the MiFi 2200.
- The Wi-Fi settings must match those in use on the MiFi 2200. If using the default
settings, refer to the Quick Start Guide for the default values. If you have
previously changed the default profile on the MiFi 2200, or are using a different
profile, use the values previously set on the MiFi 2200.
2. Open your Web Browser
3. In the “Address” or “Location” bar, enter the address of the MiFi 2200:
4. The Welcome Page appears.
Welcome Page
The Welcome page is displayed when your first connect to the MiFi Settings in the MiFi 2200,
prior to login. This page provides some status information, but no configuration changes can
be made until you login.
The “Login” field is on the top right of the screen. Login requires only a password – there is no
login name.
Use the case-sensitive default password: “admin”.
Status Information
The Welcome page contains status information about the MiFi 2200. The status information is
contained in three sections:
Status Bar
1. Status Bar
The Status Bar at the top of the screen contains details of the mobile (3G) network
connection, plus the battery status. The following data is available.
• Signal Strength Image – Indicates the current signal strength for the
mobile network.
• Network Name – The name of the mobile network.
• Network Technology – The type of connection (e.g. EVDO, EVDO Rev A)