Port Filtering Screen
Available on the Security sub-menu, this screen allows you to configure the Port Filtering
feature. This feature can block outgoing Internet traffic. If enabled, only known applications,
identified by port number, can connect to the Internet.
This screen contains the following settings
- Enable Port Filter - Use this checkbox to enable or disable the Port Filtering feature as
• Enabled: Only traffic from the specified “Allowed Applications” is allowed. Other
outgoing (Internet) traffic is blocked.
• Disabled: This feature is disabled, and outgoing traffic is not checked.
- Allowed Applications - Enable each application which you wish to be able to access the
Internet while the Port Filter feature is enabled. All other applications will be blocked.
- Custom Applications - Use this button if you wish to define your own applications. A sub-
window will open and provide the opportunity to define additional applications. This
screen is described in the following section.
Custom Applications Screen
This screen is reached by the “Custom Applications” button on the Port Filter screen. It allows
you to define and enable custom Port Filtering applications. You need to know details of the
traffic used and generated by the applications you wish to define.
This screen contains the following settings:
• Checkbox - Use this to enable an application after you have defined it. If enabled, then
traffic from this application is allowed to access the Internet. If not checked, traffic for this
application is blocked.
NOTE: These checkboxes have no effect unless the Port Filter is enabled on the Port Filter
• Application Name - Enter a suitable name for the application.
• Ports - Click this link to display the Port Definition panel, allowing you to define the ports
used by this application. Click "Hide" when finished defining the current application; click
"Apply" when finished defining all applications.
• Port Definition Panel - This panel is displayed when the "Ports" link is clicked, and allows
you to define the ports used by the current application. The current application is
indicated by background shading and panel heading. You can define up to 5 port ranges
for each application, as follows: