CHAPTER 4 Operations on Virtual Machines
Function Signature
VixVM_CreateSnapshot(VixHandle vmHandle,
const char *name,
const char *description,
unsigned int options,
VixHandle propertyListHandle,
VixEventProc *callbackProc,
void *clientData);
VixHandle — A job handle that describes the state of this asynchronous operation.
• This function saves a copy of the virtual machine state as a snapshot object. The
handle of the snapshot object is returned in the job object properties.
• This release of the C API supports only a single snapshot for each virtual
machine. If you call this function a second time for the same virtual machine
without first deleting the snapsot, the second call will fail.
A virtual machine imported from another VMware product may have more than
one snapshot at the time it is imported. In that case, you can use this function to
add a new snapshot to the series.
vmHandle Identifies a virtual machine. Call VixVM_Open() to create a virtual
machine handle.
name Must be NULL.
description Must be NULL.
options Must be 0.
propertyListHandle Must be VIX_INVALID_HANDLE.
callbackProc A callback function that will be invoked when the power operation is
clientData A parameter that will be passed to the callbackProc function.