C API Reference Guide
Function Signature
VixVM_GetNumRootSnapshots(VixHandle vmHandle,
int *result);
VixError. Refer to Error Codes on page 91 for possible error values.
This function returns the number of top-level (root) snapshots belonging to a virtual
machine. A top-level snapshot is one that is not based on any previous snapshot. If
the virtual machine has more than one snapshot, the snapshots may be a sequence in
which each snapshot is based on the previous one, leaving only a single top-level
snapshot. However, if applications create branched trees of snapshots, a single virtual
machine may have several top-level snapshots.
This release of the C API can manage only a single snapshot for each virtual machine.
All other snapshots in a sequence are ignored. The value of the result parameter is
always 0 or 1.
vmHandle Identifies a virtual machine. Call VixVM_Open() to create a virtual
machine handle.
result The number of root snapshots on this virtual machine.