Engine B230F
1 Data plate
2 Oil filler cap, engine
3 Oil dipstick, engine
4 Brake fluid reservoir
5 Washer fluid reservoir
6 Expansion tank, coolant
7 Oil reservoir, power steering
8 Battery
9 Fuse engine control
pg. 57 Road assistance
Your 1987 Volvo comes with a three year road assistance program known as ON-CALL. Additional information, features, and benefits are
described in a separate information package in your glove compartment.
pg. 58 Fuel requirements
Unleaded Fuel
Each Volvo has a catalytic converter and must use only unleaded gasoline (as specified on the instrument panel and by a label near the filler
inlet). U.S. and Canadian regulations require that pumps delivering unleaded gasoline be labeled "UNLEADED". Only these pumps have
nozzles which fit' your car's filler inlet. It is unlawful to dispense leaded fuel into a vehicle labeled "unleaded gasoline only".
Leaded gasoline damages the catalytic converter and the oxygen sensor system. Repeated use of leaded gasoline will lessen the effectiveness
of the emission control system and could result in loss of emission warranty coverage. State and local vehicle inspection programs will make
detection of misfueling easier, possibly resulting in emission test failure for misfueled vehicles.
Octane Rating
Volvo engines require unleaded gasoline with an (R+M)/2 octane rating (also called the Anti Knock Index, or AKI) of 87 or higher. This is
generally equivalent to a Research Octane Number (RON) of 91 or higher.
Detergent or Injector Cleaning Gasoline
The use of specially formulated gasoline which contains so called "detergent" or "injector cleaning" additives is allowed and recommended by
Volvo. The use of these detergent additives in gasoline has been shown to be effective in reducing the build-up of certain injector deposits.
Gasoline Containing Alcohol
Some fuel suppliers sell gasoline containing alcohol without advertising the presence of alcohol if you are not sure whether there is alcohol in
the gasoline you buy, check with the service station operator.
Blends of unleaded gasoline and ethanol (ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol), sometimes called "gasohol", are available in some areas. Gasohol, if