
1987 Volvo 240
Engine Mechanical Components
Torque manifold nuts
The manifold nuts should be torqued at the 600-1,200 mile (1,000-2,000 km) inspection. A loose manifold could alter air/fuel ratio and cause
an increase in emission and/or poor driveability.
The valve clearance should be checked every 30,000 miles (50,000 km).
Vacuum fittings, hoses and connections
Unstable idle, misfiring or poor emission control is often caused by leaking vacuum hoses or connections. Check hoses and connections on
distributor vacuum unit, EGR valve (where applicable) and connections on heater control servo systems and hydraulic brake servo.
Timing belt
The timing belt tensioner should be adjusted at the 600-1,200 mile (1,000-2,000 km) inspection.
pg. 63 Servicing
Engine Fuel System
LH-Jetronic B230F engine
The LH-Jetronic fuel injection system is all-electronic and is microprocessor controlled. It can continually compensate for variations in engine
load, speed and temperature to give the best economy and power. The most unique feature of the system is the air mass meter which measures
the mass of the inducted air instead of the volume. In this way the system can make instantaneous adjustments for changes in air temperature
or density, thus always assuring the best economy with the lowest possible exhaust emissions.
pg. 64 Servicing
Special instructions for work on the fuel injection system
Extreme cleanliness is essential when working on the injection system. Great care must be observed.
Injection system service should be handled by qualified technicians, using equipment intended for this service.
Fuel (line) filter
We recommend that this filter be changed every 60,000 miles (96,000 km). The filter is replaced as one complete unit.
Replace more frequently if contaminated fuel was introduced into the tank.
Fuel system cap, tank, lines and connections
The ability of the fuel system to control hydrocarbon emissions is dependent largely on a leak-free system. Check for proper sealing of
gasoline filler cap which contains "O''-ring type seals. Check all evaporative hoses in vehicle for tightness. Check fuel lines under vehicle.
Repair if necessary.
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