
The f ilter pre vent slar ger remn ant s of food or other objects f rom get ting inside th epu m.
Theresidues may blockthefilter, inthiscasethey must be removed.
The filter system consi sts of a coarse filter,a flat ( Main filte r)
A n d a mi cro filter( F i ne fi lte r ) .
Food and soil particles trapped inthisfilter arepulverizedby a
specia l jet on the lower spr ay arm and washe dd own t od rain.
Larg er it ems, such as pi e c es o f bone s or gla s s, t ha t c oul d b lock
the drainaretrappedin the coarse filter. To remove theitems
caugh t by the filter, ge ntly sque eze the tap on th eto p of t his
Thisfilter holds soil and food residuesin the sumpareaand
prevents itfrom being redepositon the dishes during wash cycle.
Main filter
Coarse filter
Fine filter
Filtering System
Filter assembly
Thefilter efficiently
For b est p erfo rm ance and re sults, the f ilte r must be cle aned re gularly. t his reaso n, it isa goo dide a to
r emo ve th ela rger foo dpa rticl es trapp ed in the filte r aft ere ach was h cy cle by rin sing t he sem icirc ular filte ran d
c up unde rru nnin gwa ter. To remove the fil ter device ,p ull the cup handle in the upwar dd irect ion.
re mo ves food parti cle s fro mth e wa sh wate r,all owing it to be recycle dd uring the cycl e.
T he dish was her mus t ne ver be used wi thout t he filter s.
Imp ro per r epl ace men tof the f ilter may red uce the per formanc e level o ft he applian ce
and damage dishesand utensils.
St ep 1 Turn the filter in ant i-clockwis ed irection,
t hen lift it u p.
St ep 2 lift the Main filte r up
Step 3 lifttheFinefilter up
When following this proced ure from step 1 to step 3, the filter system will be removed;
when following it from Step 3 to Step 1, the filter system will be installed.