Deck drain ..................... 3-7
Deep alarm.................... 2-12
Depth finder ................... 2-10
Docking....................... 3-22
Drain plugs ............. 3-8, 3-28, 4-4
Draining the bilge ........ 3-8, 3-28, 4-4
Electrical box ............... 2-1, 4-16
“Emergency” procedures .......... 5-3
Engine compartment .......... 2-1, 3-9
Engine hood ................... 2-18
Engine oil ..... 3-2, 3-3, 4-11, 4-19, 4-20
Engine serial numbers ............ 1-1
Engine shut-off
cord ....... 1-12, 2-6, 3-10, 3-16, 5-1
Enjoy your boat responsibly ....... 1-20
Exclusions from warranty .......... 6-1
Filling the gasoline tank ........... 3-2
Filter, air ...................... 4-12
Filter, oil ................... 4-6, 4-11
Fire extinguisher.............. 1-9, 3-6
Float plan ................. 1-10, 6-10
Flush hose connector.......... 2-1, 4-1
Flushing the engine .............. 4-1
Flushing the hull................. 4-4
Fogging engine with oil............ 4-2
Free accelerator ..................2-8
Fuel and engine oil.. 3-1, 3-2, 4-19, 4-20
Fuel conditioner and stabilizer ...... 4-1
Fuel level gauge ................ 2-10
Fuel requirements....... 3-1, 4-19, 4-20
Fuel system inspection........... 4-10
Fuel tank...................... 4-11
Fuel tank capacity....... 3-2, 4-19, 4-20
Fuel tank filler cap ............... 2-9
Fuse replacement............... 4-16
Fuses and circuit breakers .... 2-15, 4-16
Garden hose adapter ............. 4-1
Gasoline ....................... 3-1
Gauges........................ 2-9
Getting to know your boat ........ 3-19
Grease ........................ 4-8
Grease nipples .................. 4-9
Grease points................... 4-8
Hood latch .................... 2-18
Horn .................. 1-9, 1-17, 3-10
Hull Identification Number ......... 1-1
Identification number records ....... 1-1
Ignition switches............. 2-6, 3-14
Important labels ................. 1-4
Intake grates............ 1-13, 3-7, 5-5
Jet intakes ............. 1-13, 3-7, 5-5
Jet nozzles ... 1-12, 1-13, 3-5, 3-19, 4-14
Jet propulsion.............. 1-12, 3-20
Jet pump clean-out procedures ..... 5-5
Jet pump cover.................. 5-5
Jumps........................ 1-10
Ladder .. 2-3, 2-4, 2-18, 2-21, 3-21, 3-22
Lanyard (engine shut-off
cord) .......1-12, 2-6, 3-10, 3-16, 5-1
Launching..................... 3-31
Lights ......... 1-9, 1-13, 2-2, 2-14, 3-9