The U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) has
regulations which describe minimum
standards of safety. You must comply
with these regulations, which apply to
boats like your boat which are less than
26 feet long.
• PersonalFlotationDevices(PFDs):
USCG-approved PFDs worn by all
people aboard, plus at least one
Type IV (throwable type).
• FireExtinguisher:
At least one B-1 type hand-held
portable fire extinguisher.
• VisualDistressSignals:
It is recommended that a USCG-
approved pyrotechnic device be
stored on your boat. A mirror can
also be used as an emergency sig-
nal. Contact your Yamaha dealer or
the Coast Guard for more informa-
• SoundSignallingDevice:
Your boat is equipped with a horn
that can be used to signal other
boats. See “Rules of the Road” for
more information.
• NavigationLights:
Your boat is equipped with naviga-
tion lights for use between sunset
and sunrise, and during periods of
reduced visibility, such as fog. Be
sure these lights are working and
are turned on when necessary (see
page 2-14 and 3-9 for more informa-
The following equipment can help
make your boating experience safer
and more enjoyable:
• Mooringfendersandlines.
• Anchor with suitable line (a
“Danforth” type anchor and line that
is at least 6-times the depth of the
water where you will drop anchor
are recommended).
• Manual-typebilgepump.
• FirstAidkit.
• Waterproofflashlightwithextrabat-
• Toolkitwithassortedscrewdrivers,
pliers, wrenches (including metric
sizes), and electrical tape.
• Oarorpaddle (lookforonewith a
boat hook on the other end).
• Spareparts,suchasanextrasetof
spark plugs and fuses.
• Navigation charts for the waters
where you will be boating.
• Towrope.