After driving your vehicle in water, be sure
to drain the trapped water by removing the
check hose at the bottom of the air filter
case, the V-belt cooling duct check hose,
the drive select lever box check hose and
the V-belt case drain plug. Wash the vehi-
cle in fresh water if it has been operated in
salt water or muddy conditions.
Loose terrain/slippery terrain
When driving on slippery terrain, including
wet, muddy, or icy conditions, as well as loose
gravel, be aware that you could begin skid-
ding or sliding. To avoid loss of control, slow
down and put the Rhino in 4WD before driving
on a slippery surface and plan your path to
avoid making abrupt maneuvers.
If you feel the Rhino begin to slide sideways or
fishtail during a turn, steer into the direction of
the slide if possible, to regain directional con-
trol. For example, if you feel the back of the
vehicle start to slide to your right, steer to the
EE.book Page 23 Thursday, September 6, 2007 4:28 PM