Chapter 23 Command Line Interface
MES-2110 User’s Guide
qos ip-dscp-pri-queue <0~63>
Sets the QoS IP IP-DSCP Priority to queue
mapping. The default is low.
qos tag-pri-queue <0-7>
Set the QoS tag priority to queue mapping.
rmon clear Clears the RMON information for ports 1~10.
snmp contact <contact-name> Sets the SNMP system contact name.
contact-name: Enter up to 80 characters.
snmp getcommunity <community-name> Sets the SNMP GET community.
community-name: Enter up to 30 characters.
Note: Only for SNMP v2c or lower.
snmp location <location-name> Sets the SNMP system location.
location-name: Enter up to 80 characters.
snmp setcommunity <community-name> Sets the SNMP SET community.
community-name: Enter up to 30 characters.
Note: Only for SNMP v2c or lower.
snmp trapcommunity <index> <community-
Sets the SNMP trap community.
index: Enter an index number (1~5).
community-string: Enter up to 30
snmp trapenable <index> <enable|disable> Enables the SNMP trap.
index: Enter an index number (1~5).
snmp trapip <index> <ip-address> Sets the IP addresses of up to 5 SNMP
managers to receive SNMP traps.
index: Enter an index number (1~5).
sntp <enable | disable> Enables and disables SNTP support.
sntp-NTP-primary-server <ip address> Set SNTP primary server's IP address.
sntp-NTP-secondary-server <ip address> Set SNTP secondary server's IP address.
sntp poll_interval <value> Sets the interval in specified hours between
SNTP requests.
sntp time <yyyy:mo:dd:hh:mm:ss> Sets the local time by year (yyyy), month (mm),
day (dd), hour (hh), minutes (mm), and
seconds (ss).
sntp timezone <+hh.mm | -hh.mm> Sets the timezone offset.
+hh.mm: Increases the timezone offset by the
specified hours (hh) and minutes (mm).
-hh.mm: Increases the timezone offset by the
specified hours (hh) and minutes (mm).
Table 80 Configuration Mode Commands