MES-2110 User’s Guide
Jumbo Frame
9.1 Overview
Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames with a payload greater than 1500 bytes. Jumbo
frames can enhance data transmission efficiency in a Gigabit network.
9.2 The Jumbo Frame Configuration Screen
Use this screen to configure the jumbo frame size. Click Configuration > Jumbo
Frame to open the following screen.
Figure 30 Configuration > Jumbo Frame
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 14 Configuration > Jumbo Frame
Frame Size
Configure the jumbo frame size (1522 to 1632). The bigger the
frame size, the better the performance.
Undo Click this to restore your last saved settings.
Click Apply to save your changes to the ZyXEL Device’s run-time
memory. The ZyXEL Device loses these changes if it is turned off
or loses power, so use the Save Settings link in the navigation
panel to save your changes to the non-volatile memory.