
Chapter 20 NAT
NBG4615 User’s Guide
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 70 Network > NAT > Application
Add Application Rule
Active Select the check box to enable this rule and the requested service can be
forwarded to the host with a specified internal IP address.
Clear the checkbox to disallow forwarding of these ports to an inside server
without having to delete the entry.
Service Name Type a name (of up to 31 printable characters) to identify this rule in the first
field next to Service Name. Otherwise, select a predefined service in the second
field next to Service Name. The predefined service name and port number(s)
will display in the Service Name and Port fields.
Port Enter the start and end port(s) to be forwarded.
Server IP Address Type the inside IP address of the server that receives packets from the port(s)
specified in the Port field.
Application Rules Summary
# This is the number of an individual port forwarding server entry.
Active This icon is turned on when the rule is enabled.
Name This field displays a name to identify this rule.
Port This field displays the port number(s).
Server IP Address This field displays the inside IP address of the server.
Modify Click the Edit icon to display and modify an existing rule setting in the fields
under Add Application Rule.
Click the Remove icon to delete a rule.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the NBG4615.
Cancel Click Cancel to begin configuring this screen afresh.