2 Press [Enter] to start the tests.
Group 1 tests (the default setting) run ten times unless you
specify otherwise. The test results are displayed on the screen
in the Results column.
To run the tests continuously, go to the Repetitions box on
the Test Setup screen, and select Continuous (and deselect
Halt on Error in the Errors box).
The Group 1 tests include:
■ Register Access Test
■ FIFO Loopback Test
■ Ethernet Core Loopback Test
■ Encoder/Decoder Loopback Test
■ Interrupt Test
For a description of each Group 1 test, access help by
pressing [F1].
Running the Group 3 Test
The Group 3 test (Echo Exchange Test) tests the adapter’s
ability to transmit and receive data while on the network.
To run the Group 3 test on the network, you need a second
computer set up as an echo server. The echo server receives
packets from the adapter being tested and echoes them
back to the adapter.
The second computer must contain a 3Com adapter running
at the same speed as the Fast EtherLink 10/100BASE-T4 PCI
adapter (10 Mbps or 100 Mbps). The diagnostic program
that comes with the Fast EtherLink PCI adapter supports the
EtherLink III echo server diagnostic program.