60 Chapter 2
IMPORTANT: Be very careful when typing your password because the characters do not appear on the
3. Press e. After setting the password, the computer sets the Supervisor Password parameter to “Set”.
4. If desired, you can opt to enable the Password on boot parameter.
5. When you are done, press u to save the changes and exit the BIOS Setup Utility.
Removing a Password
Follow these steps:
1. Use the w and y keys to highlight the Set Supervisor Password parameter and press the e key. The Set
Supervisor Password box appears:
2. Type the current password in the Enter Current Password field and press e.
3. Press e twice without typing anything in the Enter New Password and Confirm New Password fields. The
computer then sets the Supervisor Password parameter to “Clear”.
4. When you have changed the settings, press u to save the changes and exit the BIOS Setup Utility.
Changing a Password
1. Use the w and y keys to highlight the Set Supervisor Password parameter and press the e key. The Set
Supervisor Password box appears:
2. Type the current password in the Enter Current Password field and press e.
3. Type a password in the Enter New Password field. Retype the password in the Confirm New Password
4. Press e. After setting the password, the computer sets the Supervisor Password parameter to “Set”.
5. If desired, you can enable the Password on boot parameter.
6. When you are done, press u to save the changes and exit the BIOS Setup Utility.