BIOS Configuration Utility (RAID EzAssist)
3-4 AcceleRAID 170 Installation Guide
☛ Note
In the event that the RAID controller needs to be
replaced, the current drive geometry will be restored
from the configuration on disk (COD).
BIOS Configuration Utility (RAID EzAssist)
RAID EzAssist is the on-board BIOS Configuration Utility used to build
several types of RAID configurations.
Refer to the RAID EzAssist Configuration Utility User Reference Guide or
RAID EzAssist Configuration Utility Quick Configuration Guide.
Operating System
If an operating system is not already installed on the system, it can be
installed on a system disk on the controller. The operating system is installed
along with the operating system device drivers.
Operating System Device Drivers
Device drivers that are compatible with the controller can be found in the
Software Kit. For details on how to install and load drivers, refer to the PCI
Disk Array Controller Drivers Installation Guide and User Manual.
Global Array Manager (GAM) Server
The Global Array Manager Server software supports a variety of operating
systems. For details on how to install GAM Server, refer to the Global Array
Manager Server Software Installation Guide and User Manual.