29 Chapter 4
4.3.6 Tx Slide Bar
The Tx Slide Bar allows you to control the overall system loading. You
can adjust the transmission rate of your port(s) from 0% to 100%. Just
drag the slide button along the track to adjust the transmission rate.
4.3.7 Performance Listing Area
On the performance listing area, you can see the relevant information,
such as Rx Length (received packet byte length), Bytes/Sec (transmission
rate) and Last Abnormal Status of each port running a test.
4.3.8 Status Bar
The Status Bar is where you can glimpse the current information of the
port you have selected. The Status Bar indicates whether the port is
READY, RUNNING, BUSY or STOPPED, N/A PORT and the configu-
ration information such as baud rate, data bit, stop bit, parity bit and flow
control (represented as 1200 N 8 1 None) settings. Also we can see the
duration of the test in hh:mm:ss format on the right.
For information about specific messages on this area, please refer to Sec-
tion 4.5, Messages on the Status Bar and Message Logo area.