2 System Description
PROTECT B. is an Uninterruptible Power Supply
(UPS) for essential loads such as PCs,
workstations, servers, network components,
telecommunication equipment and similar devices.
The PROTECT B. series is a compact, interactive, sinusoidaly
operating USP, available with an output power rate of 750,
1000, 1500, 2000 and 3000 VA.
The design of the USP allows horizontal / lying operation
(Rack/19" with 2U) and vertical / standing operation (Tower).
2.1 Overview
The front of the UPS provides several LEDs and four push
buttons for easy configuration, control and management. The
panel also informs about the state of the power in the
alternating current (AC) branch, indications on net failures and
the charging state of the Output of the UPS. You will find two
LED bars for output load and battery capacity, two state
indicators (net available, battery active) and four alarm
indicators (power failure, failure, battery discharged, overload).
With the push button the acoustic alarm can be deactivated
and the self test of the UPS will be started.
Power connectors, communication interfaces and connections
for telephone and network are located on the rear of the
PROTECT B. Important UPS parameters and data are
constantly monitored and are transmitted via USB or serial
RS232 to the “CompuWatch” Software on the management
computer. The optional SNMP adapter allows remote
monitoring via SNMP connector and multi server shutdown
(starting with B.1500).
The main features of the PROTECT B. are:
♦ VI (Line Interactive) protection technology
with sinusoidal output voltage
♦ AVR control system
(automatic voltage regulation with mains operation)