41 WEP
Select “WEP” for the “Encryption” mode if you wish to use WEP to encrypt your wireless
Parameters Description
Key Length You can select the WEP key length for encryption, 64-bit or 128-
bit. Larger WEP key length will provide higher level of security,
but the throughput will be lower.
Key Format You may select to select ASCII Characters (alphanumeric
format) or Hexadecimal Digits (in the “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-9” range)
to be the WEP Key.
Default Tx Key You can set up to four sets of WEP key, and you can decide
which key is being used by default here. If you don’t know which
one you should use, select ‘Key 1’.
Encryption Key 1~4 The WEP key are used to encrypt data transmitted in the
wireless network. Fill the text box by following the rules below.
64-bit WEP: input 10-digit Hex values (in the “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-
9” range) or 5-digit ASCII character as the encryption keys.
128-bit WEP: input 26-digit Hex values (in the “A-F”, “a-f” and “0-
9” range) or 13-digit ASCII characters as the encryption keys. WPA Pre-share Key
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is an advanced security standard. You can use a pre-shared key
to authenticate wireless stations and encrypt data during communication. It uses TKIP/AES to