20 Files and Directories June 2007
Boot and Image Files
Although the flash memory on OmniSwitch 6850 Series
switches can contain many file types (e.g., log and snapshot
files), there are four specific file types that provide key switch
and network functions. These files include the boot.cfg file,
boot.params file, boot.slot.cfg file, and image (.img) files.
boot.params File
The boot.params file provides IP address, gateway, and mask
information for the switch. This information is required for
Ethernet connections to the switch.
This file also contains default console port parameters (baud
rate, etc.) and can be modified via the modify boot
parameters CLI command.
In order to be read by the switch, the boot.params file must be
placed in the /flash directory. If the file is deleted for any
reason, a new boot.params file will be automatically gener-
ated on the next system boot. However, all user-configured
information, such as IP address, gateway, and mask informa-
tion, will be lost. Therefore, it is recommended that you keep a
backup copy of this file at all times.
boot.cfg File
The boot.cfg file stores your network configuration parame-
ters. When you first boot the switch, no boot.cfg file is
present. This file is automatically generated when you first
issue a write memory command to save your configuration
changes. The file is then automatically placed in the
/flash/working directory.
Important. Your switch must be running from the
/flash/working directory in order to save changes to the
boot.cfg file. Refer to “Working and Certified Directo-
ries” on page 22 for more information.
Once the configuration parameters stored in the boot.cfg file
are considered tested and reliable, the file can be copied to the
/flash/certified directory and become part of the “last known
good” software for the switch.
If all copies of this file are deleted and a system boot occurs,
your network configuration will be lost. Therefore, it is recom-
mended that you keep a backup copy of this file at all times.
Files and Directories