Aluratek AEBK02FB eBook Reader User Manual

Chapter 2: Operating Instructions
eBook Library: To read all the eBook les
Last Reading: To read the latest eBook le you have read
Recent Reading: To view the latest reading materials
Music: To listen to all the music les for leisure
Picture: To view all the picture les
Settings: To set all the parameters of device
Others: To view System information, Network information and to enter
other application
2. Press the numeric key corresponding to the eBook name or function
name so as to open that eBook or execute that function.
3. Press [Esc] to quit the current function.
4. If the eBook contains more than one page, press [Pg Up] / [Pg Down]
to turn to the previous / next page.
5. In any interface, press and hold [Esc] for 3 seconds to return to the
main menu or press [Home] to return to main menu.