AMD Geode™ LX Processor/CS5536 Companion Device GeodeROM Porting Guide 9
Overview 40680B
1.1 Introduction
This document describes the changes needed for GeodeROM and other BIOSs to support the AMD Geode™ LX processor
and the AMD Geode™ CS5536 companion device. GeodeROM requires modifications for hardware initialization and spe-
cific implementations.
Each section targets the GeodeROM changes needed to support the Geode LX processor/CS5536 device system. Where
appropriate, the changes list the “Entry Conditions” that briefly describe the machine state required to execute that function,
as well as some pseudo code for implementing the changes.
For more information on GeodeROM, see the AMD Geode™ GeodeROM Functional Specification (publication ID 32087).
1.2 Assumptions
The following assumptions must be made clear during the design phase.
GeodeROM expects all memory has a serial presence detect (SPD) to determine characteristics for memory controller ini-
tialization. If a SPD is not present, GeodeROM outputs a POST code and halts, unless customizations have been made for
the platform.