American Power Conversion and S15BLK Power Supply User Manual

DO RUNTIME CAL: screen (Figure 30) – lets you manually initiate a Runtime
Calculation test to calibrate the internal measurements, which should result in
more accurate runtime estimates. This needs to be done once every 6 months, or
when the connected load changes significantly in size. Once initiated, the unit will
operate on battery power until a low battery condition is reached.
Figure 30. DO RUNTIME CAL Screen
DISPLY-BEEP TEST: screen (Figure 31) – lets you force the unit to perform
Display and Beep Tests. Simply advance to the DISPLY-BEEP TEST screen
and press either Up/Down Arrow push buttons. This will cause all indicators and
display fields to light (Figure 32), as well as cause an audible beep to sound.
Figure 31. DISPLY-BEEP TEST: Screen