InRow RC/RD/RP (600 mm) User’s Guide42
Use the options under Web on the left navigation menu to configure the following:
Option Description
access To activate changes to any of the following access selections, log off from and back on to the
cooling unit:
• Disable: Disables all access to the Web interface. (You must use the control console to re-
enable access to the Web interface. Select Network and Web/SSL/TLS. Then for HTTP
access, select Access and Enabled, and for HTTPS access, also select Web/SSL and
• Enable HTTP (the default): Enables Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which provides
Web access by user name and password, but does not encrypt user names, passwords, and data
during transmission.
• Enable HTTPS: Enables Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS) to
provide Web access. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypts user names, passwords, and data
during transmission, and provides authentication of the cooling unit by digital certificate.
See “Creating and Installing Digital Certificates” in the Security Handbook on the
Utility CD to choose among the several methods for using digital certificates.
When HTTPS is enabled, your browser displays a lock icon, usually at the bottom
of the screen:
HTTP Port: Identifies the TCP/IP port used for communication by HTTP with the
cooling unit. The default is 80.
HTTPS Port: Identifies the TCP/IP port used for communication by HTTPS with
the cooling unit. The default is 443.
You can change either port setting to the number of any unused port from 5000 to 32768 to
enhance the protection provided by User Name and Password settings. You must then use a
colon (:) in the address field of the browser to specify the non-default port number. For
example, for port 5000 and the cooling unit IP address of, you would use one of
these Web addresses:
ssl cipher
Enable or disable any of the SSL encryption ciphers and hash algorithms:
• DES: A block cipher that provides authentication by Secure Hash Algorithm.
• RC4_MD5 (enabled by default): A stream cipher, providing authentication by MD5 hash
• RC4_SHA (enabled by default): A stream cipher that provides authentication by Secure Hash
• 3DES: A block cipher that provides authentication by Secure Hash Algorithm.