21InfraStruXure Central Installation Manual
Appendix B: Diagnostic Messages
Message Listing
The system's control panel LCD provides status messages to signify when the system is operating
correctly or when the system needs attention.
The LCD lights blue to indicate a normal operating condition, and lights amber to indicate an error
condition. The LCD scrolls a message that includes a status code followed by descriptive text..
The following table lists the potential error messages along with a short description of the condition
described by the message.
Code Text Causes
The SYSTEM NAME displays under the following conditions:
• The system is turned on.
• The power is off and active POST errors are displayed.
E1000 FAILSAFE, Call
Contact APC Customer Support at a number on the back cover
of this manual
E1114 Temp Ambient
Ambient system temperature is out of acceptable range.
E1116 Temp Memory
Memory has exceeded acceptable temperature and has been
disabled to prevent damage to the components.
E12nn xx PwrGd
Specified voltage regulator has failed.
E1210 CMOS Batt
CMOS battery is missing, or the voltage is out of acceptable
E1211 ROMB Batt
RAID battery is either missing, bad, or unable to recharge due to
thermal issues.
Processor # VCORE voltage regulator has failed.
E1310 RPM Fan ##
RPM of specified cooling fan is out of acceptable operating
E1313 Fan Redundancy
The system is no longer fan-redundant. Another fan failure will
put the system at risk of over-heating.
E1410 CPU # IERR
Specified microprocessor is reporting an internal error.
E1414 CPU # Thermtrip
Specified microprocessor is out of acceptable temperature range
and has halted operation.
E1418 CPU # Presence
Specified processor is missing or bad, and the system is in an
unsupported configuration.
E141C CPU Mismatch
Processors are in a configuration unsupported by APC.
E141F CPU Protocol
The system BIOS has reported a processor protocol error.
E1420 CPU Bus PERR
The system BIOS has reported a processor bus parity error.
E1421 CPU Init
The system BIOS has reported a processor initialization error.
E1422 CPU Machine Chk
The system BIOS has reported a machine check error.
E1610 PS # Missing
No power is available from the specified power supply;
specified power supply is improperly installed or faulty.
E1614 PS # Status
No power is available from the specified power supply;
specified power supply is improperly installed or faulty.