APC AP9631 Network Card User Manual

UPS Network Management Card 2 User’s Guide18
Example 1: To enable the override of manual setting, type:
ntp -OM enable
Example 2: To specify the primary NTP server, type:
ntp -p
Access: Administrator, Device User
Description. Determine whether the device with the IP address or DNS name you specify is
connected to the network.
Four inquiries are sent to the address.
Example: To determine whether a device with an IP address of is connected to the
network, type:
Access: Administrator
To configure the TCP/IP port to communicate using 100 Mbps with half-duplex
communication (communication in only one direction at a time), type:
portspeed -s 100H
Access: Administrator, Device User
Option Argument Definition
-OM enable | disable
Override the manual settings.
-p <primary NTP server> Specify the primary server.
-s <secondary NTP server> Specify the secondary server.
Argument Description
<IP address or DNS name> Type an IP address with the format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, or the DNS name configured
by the DNS server.
Option Arguments Description
-s auto | 10H | 10F |
100H | 100F
Define the communication speed of the Ethernet port. The auto command
enables the Ethernet devices to negotiate to transmit at the highest possible
speed. See “Port Speed” on page 62 for more information about the port speed