APC AP9631 Network Card User Manual

UPS Network Management Card 2 User’s Guide42
Scheduling Page (for Shutdowns)
Select the type of shutdown to schedule, One-time Shutdown, Daily Shutdown, or Weekly Shutdown
(at 1, 2, 4, or 8 week intervals), and then use these options:
Name: Define a name for the shutdown.
Shutdown daily at, Shutdown, or Shutdown on: Define when the shutdown will begin, and for
a weekly shutdown, the number of weeks between shutdowns.
Turn back on: Define whether the UPS will turn on at a specific day and time, Never (the UPS
must be turned on manually), or Immediately (the UPS will turn on after waiting 6 minutes and
the time specified as the Return Delay).
To configure the Return Delay, see “Return Delay” on page 36
Signal PowerChute Network Shutdown Clients: Select whether to notify clients listed as
“PowerChute Network Shutdown clients” to initiate graceful shutdown.
Schedule a synchronized shutdown. All scheduled shutdowns will be synchronized when the UPS
whose Management Card initiates the shutdown is a member of a Synchronized Control Group and its
status as a member is enabled. Always schedule all shutdowns through the same member of the group.
For a scheduled synchronized UPS shutdown to occur, a network connection to each UPS in the group
must exist at the time at which the action is scheduled to occur.
Caution: Do not schedule shutdowns through more than one group member. Such
scheduling may cause unpredictable results.
Edit, Enable, Disable, or Delete a Scheduled Shutdown. To access and edit the parameters of a
scheduled shutdown, disable it temporarily, or delete it permanently, click the shutdown name in the list
of shutdowns, and follow the on-screen instructions.
Sync Control Page
Guidelines for Synchronized Control Groups
Before you configure this UPS as a Synchronized Control Group member, review these guidelines:
All UPSs in a Synchronized Control Group must be the same model.
Synchronized Control Groups are supported for any Smart-UPS or Symmetra UPS with a card
slot that accepts a Network Management Card.
In a Synchronized Control Group of Symmetra 3-phase UPSs, the shutdown mode setting
configured at the UPS must be the same (either Normal or Secure) for all group members.
When its membership in a Synchronized Control Group is enabled, the Management Card blocks
UPS communications from a connected APC management device on the serial communications
port. However, the Management Card still allows access to the command line interface on the
serial communications port.