UPS Network Management Card 2 User’s Guide76
Registration. To activate RMS for the Management Card, select Enable APC Remote Monitoring
Service., choose between Register Company and Device and Register Device Only, complete the
form, and click Send APC RMS Registration.
Use the Reset APC Remote Monitoring Service Registration check box to discontinue the service,
whether permanently or temporarily (for example, if you are moving a Management Card).
Path: Logs > Syslog > options
The Management Card can send messages to up to four Syslog servers when an event occurs. The Syslog
servers record events that occur at network devices in a log that provides a centralized record of events.
This user’s guide does not describe Syslog or its configuration values in detail. See RFC3164
for more information about Syslog.
Identifying Syslog servers.
Path: Logs > Syslog > servers
Syslog settings.
Path: Logs > Syslog > settings
Setting Definition
Uses IPv4/ IPv6 addresses or host names to identify from one to four servers to receive Syslog
messages sent by the Management Card.
Port The user datagram protocol (UDP) port that the Management Card will use to send Syslog
messages. The default is
514, the UDP port assigned to Syslog.
Protocol Choose between UDP and TCP.
Language Choose the language for any Syslog messages.
Setting Definition
Enables (by default) or disables the Syslog feature.
Facility Code Selects the facility code assigned to the Management Card’s Syslog messages (User, by
OTE: User best defines the Syslog messages sent by the Management Card. Do not change
this selection unless advised to do so by the Syslog network or system administrator.