Technology Overview
Mac OS X Server
Service Deployment
and Administration
Mac OS X Server v10.4 comes with a wide range of Internet and workgroup services
based on open standard technologies. Mac OS X Server integrates these robust
technologies and enhances them with a uni ed, consistent management interface
that takes full advantage of the renowned Mac ease of use. The result is simpli ed
deployment and administration that permit novices to con gure and maintain core
network services, while providing the advanced features and functionality required
by experienced IT professionals.
Open Directory Server
Mac OS X Server includes a robust LDAP directory server and a secure Kerberos
password server to provide directory and authentication services to Mac, Windows,
and Linux clients.
Apple has built the Open Directory server around OpenLDAP, the most widely
deployed open source LDAP server, so that it can deliver directory services for both
Mac-only and mixed-platform environments. LDAP provides a common language for
directory access, enabling administrators to consolidate information from di! erent
platforms and de ne one namespace for all network resources. This means a single
directory for all Mac, Windows, and Linux systems on the network; there’s no need
to maintain a separate server or separate user records for each platform. It also results
in a streamlined user experience: Users can authenticate to Mac OS X Server and
access network resources from any platform using a single password.
To store directory information, the Open Directory server uses Berkeley DB, one of
the world’s most scalable databases, for high-performance indexing of hundreds of
thousands of user records. In addition, a robust replication feature maximizes availabil-
ity and scalability. The ability to replicate directory and authentication servers enables
organizations to maintain failover servers for high availability, as well as remote servers
for fast client interaction on distributed networks.
Why directory services?
A key component of any modern
computing environment, directory services
allow organizations to centralize informa-
tion about users, groups, and computing
resources. A network-based repository
consolidates resources, simpli es system
management, and reduces support and
administration costs—all while providing
strong authentication and password-
protected access to network resources.
For example, when an employee leaves the
company, the administrator can change
that user’s password, archive the user’s
network home directory, and delete the
user’s account quickly and easily, all from
the administrator’s own desk.