ASUS A7N8X-XE Motherboard 2-21
2.4.5 Onboard Devices Configuration
The Onboard Devices Configuration menu allows you to adjust the settings for onboard
devices. Select an item then press <Enter> to display the sub-menu.
Configure Win627 Super IO Chipset Allows BIOS to Enable
or Disable Floppy
Onboard Floppy Controller [Enabled]
Serial Port1 Address [3F8/IRQ4]
Parallel Port Address [378]
Parallel Port Mode [ECP+EPP]
EPP Version [1.9]
ECP Mode DMA Channe1 [DMA3]
Parallel Port IRQ [IRQ7]
Onboard Floppy Controller [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the onboard Floppy controller. Configuration
options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Serial Port1 Address [3F8/IRQ4]
Allows you to select the Serial Port 1 base address. Configuration options:
[Disabled] [3F8/IRQ4] [2F8/IRQ3] [3E8/IRQ4] [2E8/IRQ3]
Parallel Port Address [378]
Allows you to select the Parallel Port base addresses. Configuration options:
[Disabled] [378] [278]
Select Screen
Select Item
+- Change Option
F1 General Help
F10 Save and Exit
ESC Exit
v02.58 (C)Copyright 1985-2004, American Megatrends, Inc.
Parallel Port Mode [ECP+EPP]
Allows you to select the Parallel Port mode. Configuration options: [Normal] [Bi-
Directional] [ECP+EPP]
EPP Version [1,9]
Allows selection of the Parallel Port EPP version. This item appears
only when the Parallel Port Mode is set to [EPP] or [EPP+ECP.
Configuration options: [1.9] [1.7]
ECP Mode DMA Channel [DMA3]
Allows you to set the Parallel Port ECP DMA. This item appears
only when the Parallel Port Mode is set to [ECP] or [EPP+ECP].
Configuration options: [DMA0] [DMA1] [DMA3]
Parallel Port IRQ [IRQ7]
Allows selection of the Parallel Port IRQ. Configuration options: [IRQ5] [IRQ7]