Asus ASMB-LE Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS Server Management Board (ASMB-LE)ASUS Server Management Board (ASMB-LE)
ASUS Server Management Board (ASMB-LE)ASUS Server Management Board (ASMB-LE)
ASUS Server Management Board (ASMB-LE)
A.3 Troubleshooting
This troubleshooting guide provides answers to some common problems
which you may encounter while installing and/or using ASUS ASMB-LE.
These problems requires simple troubleshooting that you can perform by
yourself. Contact the Wireless LAN Technical Support if you encounter
problems not mentioned in this section.
The local/central server cannotThe local/central server cannot
The local/central server cannotThe local/central server cannot
The local/central server cannot
connect to the ASMB-LE board.connect to the ASMB-LE board.
connect to the ASMB-LE board.connect to the ASMB-LE board.
connect to the ASMB-LE board.
1. Check if the LAN cable is
connected to the LAN port for
server management. See page
A-2 for details.
2. Check if the remote server LAN
port is working properly. If you
have not previously installed the
LAN controller driver, install the
same using the system support CD.
3. Make sure the IP address of both
the remote and local/central
servers are on the same subnet.
4. Set the remote server IP address
and MAC address using the ASUS
Host Management Controller
Setup. See Chapter 2 for details.
The ARC cannot receive PETThe ARC cannot receive PET
The ARC cannot receive PETThe ARC cannot receive PET
The ARC cannot receive PET
information from the remoteinformation from the remote
information from the remoteinformation from the remote
information from the remote
Set the remote server PET IP address
and MAC address using the ASUS
Server Management Card Utility. See
Chapter 2 for details.
The ASMC utility cannot setThe ASMC utility cannot set
The ASMC utility cannot setThe ASMC utility cannot set
The ASMC utility cannot set
the BMC MAC address orthe BMC MAC address or
the BMC MAC address orthe BMC MAC address or
the BMC MAC address or
cannot enable TCO.cannot enable TCO.
cannot enable TCO.cannot enable TCO.
cannot enable TCO.
Copy the
nic.ini file to the ASMC
directory, then try again. The
file is available from the support CD.