When you’re ready to shop for more, try the suggestions in one of
the Play Recommendations widgets:
To resize a widget, touch & hold, then let go and drag the blue
dots. To remove it, touch & hold, then drag it to the Remove icon
at the top of the screen.
Swipe up for Google Now
Google Now is about getting you just the right information, at just
the right time.
It tells you today’s weather before you start your day, how much
trafc to expect before you leave for work, and even your favorite
team’s score while they’re playing.
All of this happens automatically. Google Now intelligently brings
you the information you want to see, when you want to see it. No
digging required.
For example, here’s a Google Now card that appears when you’re
about to start your commute home:
Touch to see a
different suggestion
Touch to
avoid future
like this
Touch to learn more