Chapter 4
To validate and save your conguration manually:
1. Launch MemTweakIt and click
2. In Manual Mode, click Save
Conguration File.
3. Key in a le name for your conguration le and click Save.
4. Click validation webpage.
5. In MemTweakIt - Validation File
Upload window, key in your ASUS
account ID and password.
6. Click Browse, locate the saved .cvf
le, and click Open.
7. Click Submit.
Your conguration will be displayed in MemTweakIt webpage.
Validating and saving your MemTweakIt settings
To validate and save your conguration online:
1. Launch MemTweakIt and click Validate.
2. In Online Mode, key in your ASUS account ID and password, and click Submit.
Your conguration will be displayed in MemTweakIt webpage.