Asus NEXUS72B32BKT Tablet User Manual

charged or your tablet’s not plugged in. If you change your
mind about encrypting your tablet, touch the Back button.
WARNING: If you interrupt the encryption process, you
will lose data.
3. Touch Encrypt tablet.
4. Enter your lock screen PIN or password and touch Continue.
5. Touch Encrypt tablet again.
The encryption process starts and displays its progress. Encryp-
tion can take an hour or more, during which time your tablet may
restart several times.
When encryption is complete, you’re prompted to enter your PIN
or password.
Subsequently, you must enter your PIN or password each time
you power on your tablet, to decrypt it.
Work with certicates
You can use digital certicates to identify your device for a variety
of purposes, including VPN or Wi-Fi network access as well as
authentication to servers by apps such as Email or Browser. To
use a certicate to identify your device, you must obtain it with
help from your system administrator, and install it in your device’s
trusted credential storage .
Android supports DER-encoded X.509 certicates, saved in les
with a .crt or .cer le extension. If your certicate le has a .der
or other extension, you must change it to .crt or .cer or you won’t
be able to install it.