Asus P5K-VM Computer Hardware User Manual

1.3.2 ASUS AI Lifestyle features
ASUS Quiet Thermal Solution
ASUS Quiet Thermal solution makes system more stable and enhances the
overclocking capability.
AI Gear 2
AI Gear 2 allows you to choose proles to adjust the CPU frequency and
Vcore voltage to minimize system noise and power consumption. You can
change the mode in real-time in the operating system to max power saving
mode and save up to 50% power when using word processing applications.
AI Nap
With AI Nap, the system can continue running at minimum power and noise
when you are temporarily away. To wake the system and return to the OS
environment, simply click the mouse or press a key.
ASUS Q-Fan technology intelligently adjusts both CPU fan and chassis fan
speeds according to system loading to ensure quiet, cool and efcient operation.
ASUS Crystal Sound
This feature can enhance speech-centric applications like Skype, online game,
video conference and recording.
Noise Filter
This feature detects repetitive and stationary noises (non-voice signals) like
computer fans, air conditioners, and other background noises then eliminates
it in the incoming audio stream while recording.
ASUS EZ DIY feature collection provides you easy ways to install computer
components, update the BIOS or back up your favorite settings.
ASUS Q-Connector
ASUS Q-Connector allows you to easily connect or disconnect the chassis
front panel cables to the motherboard. This unique module eliminates the
trouble of connecting the system panel cables one at a time and avoiding
wrong cable connections. See page 1-33, 1-34, and 1-39 for details.