his appendix provides specifications and other technical information regarding the
ACS-1208A / ACS-1216A.
ACS-1208A /ACS-1216A - Connection Tables
The following tables indicate the relationship between the number of
Master View units and the number of computers that they control:
MVs Computers MVs Computers MVs Computers MVs Computers
1 1 - 8 9 65 - 72 17 129 - 136 25 193 - 200
2 9 - 16 10 73 - 80 18 137 - 144 26 201- 208
3 17 - 24 11 81 - 88 19 145 - 152 27 209 - 216
4 25 - 32 12 89 - 96 20 153 - 160 28 217 - 224
5 33 - 40 13 97 - 104 21 161 - 168 29 225 - 232
6 41 - 48 14 105 - 112 22 169 - 176 30 233 - 240
7 49- 56 15 113 - 120 23 177- 184 31 241 - 248
8 57 - 64 16 121 - 128 24 185 - 192 32 249 - 256