62 MergePoint 5224/5240 Service Processor Manager User Guide
File (continued) Exit (Ctrl+Shift+x) Closes the window without logging out.
Closing windows without logging out aborts the
SSH connection. Enter the exit command in the
terminal before using this option.
Edit Copy (Ctrl+Insert) Copies selected text to the clipboard. Select text
by clicking and holding down the left mouse button
and then dragging the mouse over the area to
select, releasing the mouse when the desired area
is selected.
Paste (Shift+Insert) Pastes the clipboard’s contents to the screen as
input, as if the contents were being typed on
the keyboard.
Copy & Paste Copies selected text and pastes it.
Select All (Ctrl+Shift+a) Selects all contents in the scrollback buffer and in
the terminal.
Find (Ctrl+Shift+f) Displays the Find dialog box, which can be used to
search the scrollback buffer and the currently
displayed text for strings.
Clear Screen Clears the screen and positions the cursor at the
top left corner.
Clear Scrollback Clears the contents of the scrollback buffer.
VT Reset Resets terminal settings to the defaults.
Settings Connection Displays a dialog box for setting SSH preferences.
• Username
• Authentication
• Proxy type
• Authentication
• Username
• Password
Table A.1: Console Session Terminal Menu Options (Continued)
-level Option 2nd-level Option