Belkin PureAV Hybrid AVU1500 UPS
Setup and Installation
• Preamp: If you wish to use your preamp as a remote trigger (for
more info, read “Easy Power On and Off” on page 4, then...
• The filter bank to which you connect your preamp must be
set to “always on”.
• In the event of a power outage, your AVU1500 will begin to
systematically shut down power outlets. So, don’t forget when
your preamp is shut down, it will trigger a power cut to all the
switched outlets.
• Any device you wish to use as your remote device (e.g.,
preamp) must be equipped with a switched AC power outlet or
with a 3~30V DC output (low-voltage trigger out).
• Projectors and Projection TVs: Assign these devices to filter
banks set to “always on”.
• When most projectors and projection TVs are turned off, they
still receive power and use this power to drive a fan that helps
cool critical internal parts. For this reason, we recommend
connecting these types of devices to outlets with filter banks
set to “Always on”. Connecting them to a “switched” outlet
means the devices will not only be turned off, but their power
will get cut off and the fans will not be able to properly cool
the equipment.
• In the event of a power outage, your AVU1500 will begin
its SmartStage shutdown procedure (unless you have
override turned on). If the power outage lasts longer than
the AVU1500’s battery backup, then all of the devices will
eventually lose power. To prepare for this, it is best to have
your projector or projection TV turned off first so that the
internal fans can properly cool internal parts before the
devices lose power all together. Your AVU1500 can help you do
this: Simply have the AVU1500’s IR Blaster send an “off” signal
to your projector/TV at the beginning of Stage 1 shutdown (this
will be described in more detail at Step 5, Program). Then, your
projector/TV can cool until the stage to which it is connected
loses power. If you want to give your projector/projection TV
the most amount of time possible to cool, then assign it to a
Stage 3 power outlet; otherwise, a Stage 2 outlet may be fine.