Belkin PureAV Hybrid AVU1500 UPS
Step 5 – Program
We recommend programming various settings on the rear panel of your
AVU1500 before any cables are connected; you will have a clear view and
easier access.
1. Program the Filter Bank Settings –
Setup and Installation
a. Using the power-planning table you completed earlier in
“Step 3 – Plan”, set the slide-switches for each filter bank of outlets:
Always On For components that always need power
necessary to preserve memory or other settings
(e.g., DVRs, satellite receivers, VCRs, etc.). The
secondary “No Delay/Delay” switch below is not
relevant for “Always On” filter banks.
Switched + No
For components that can have power turned on
and cut off (e.g., CD, DVD, tape players). When
power is turned on for these switched outlets, it
will be immediate and without delay.
Switched + Delay For components that can have power turned on
and cut off (e.g., amplifiers, subwoofers). When
power is turned on for these switched outlets, it
will be delayed by 5, 10, or 15 seconds (based on
the “Delay Time” setting).