V.25 bis Autodialer
Modem 3600 11-9
If circular linking (1 to 8 to 7 to 1) is used, dialing is discontinued after
the addressed number in the dial command has been dialed twice. If
only one parameter follows the PRL command, the number at address a
is unlinked from its forward link.
For example, if the link list 4 to 8 to 3 to 7 to 9 to 1 exists and PRL 7 is
received, 7 would be unlinked from 9, but not from 3. This would result
in two link lists: 4 to 8 to 3 to 7 and 9 to 1.
VALValid command received. Transmitted on receiving an error-
free command with no transmission error such as a parity
error. This confirmation is sent before the command is executed.
INVCUInvalid command - command unknown.
Example:TRL 1;5
INVMSInvalid command - message syntax error.
INVPS Invalid command - parameter syntax error.
Examples:PRL 1;5;
PRL 1;0;0
PRL 1;
PRL 001;5
INVPVInvalid command - parameter value error.
Examples:PRL 1;Q
PRL 1;45 where addresses 01-09 are defined
CFILDCall failure - no connection from link list.
Request List of Linked Numbers RLL
The request list of linked numbers command is an RLL with no
INVCUInvalid command - command unknown.