Hardware Options
F-2 Modem 3600
The following table lists ASCII decimal, hexadecimal, and equivalent
character values, and EBCDIC characters. The table shows only
available keyboard symbols. Control keys are shown in the right column
of the first table.
Decimal Hex EBCDIC Control
(NUL) 0 00 NU (null) @
(SOH) 1 01 SH (start of header) A
(STX) 2 02 SX (start of text) B
(ETX) 3 03 EX (end of text) C
(EOT) 4 04 PF D
(ENQ) 5 05 HT (horizontal tab) E
(ACK) 6 06 LC (lower case) F
(BEL) 7 07 delete G
(BS) 8 08 -- H
(HT) 9 09 -- I
(LF) 10 0A (SMM) J
(VT) 11 0B VT (vertical tab) K
(FF) 12 0C FF (form feed) L
(CR) 13 0D CR (carriage return) M
(SO) 14 0E SO (shift out) N
(SI) 15 0F SI (shift in) O
(DLE) 16 10 DL (data link escape) P
(DC1) 17 11 D1 (device control 1) Q
(DC2) 18 12 D2 (device control 2) R
(DC3) 19 13 D3 (device control 3) S
(DC4) 20 14 RE (restore) T
(NAK) 21 15 NL (new line) U
(SYN) 22 16 BS (back space) V
(ETB) 23 17 IL (light) W
(CAN) 24 18 CN (cancel) X
(EM) 25 29 EM (end of message) Y
(SUB) 26 1A CC Z