Black Box 3600 MODEM Modem User Manual

Hardware Options
Modem 3600 E-7
%A page 6-
S64 Disable auto-reliable fallback
%An S64 Set auto-reliable fallback character to n
(n = ASCII 1-127)
%B page 5-
S69 Use DTE speed/maximum DCE speed
%B1 S69 300 bps max
%B2 S69 1200 bps max
%B3 S69 2400 bps max
%B4 S69 4800 bps max
%B5 S69 9600 bps uncoded max
%B6 S69 9600 bps max
%B7 S69 7200 bps max
%B8 S69 12000 bps max
%B9 S69 14400 bps max
%B10 S69 600 bps
%B11 S69 16800 bps max
%B12 S69 19200 bps max
%B13 page 5-
S69 21600 bps max
%B14 S69 24000 bps max
%B15 S69 26400 bps max
%B16 S69 28800 bps max
%B17 S69 31200 bps max
%B18 S69 33600 bps max
%C page 6-
S56 Compression disabled
%C1 S56 Compression enabled on transmit and
receive data
%C2 S56 Compression enabled on transmit data
%C3 S56 Compression enabled on receive data
Command Page S-Reg Description
cannot be executed from remote configuration mode