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Chapter 6: Serial Control
Return of CPU 34 for Console 23
0x1B 0x5D 0x47 0x09 0x00 0x17 0x00 0x22 0x00
Table 6-12. Connection of CPU (input) with CON (output).
Bytes Description Coding
1 Control character 0x1B
1 Server identification 0x5B
1 Command 0x48
2 Total length of telegram (9 bytes, binary) 0x09 0x00
2 Requested console
0x01 0x00 (for Console 1) to 0x11F 0x00 (for
Console 287)
2 Requested CPU
0x01 0x00 (for CPU 1) to 0x11F 0x00 (for
CPU 287)
Connection of CPU 43 with Console 23
0x1B 0x5B 0x48 0x09 0x00 0x17 0x00 0x2B 0x00
Table 6-13. Request of CPU (input) for CON (output)
with a fixed console number.
Bytes Description Coding
1 Control character 0x1B
1 Server identification 0x5B
1 Command 0x49
2 Total length of telegram (9 bytes, binary) 0x09 0x00
Total number of consoles (binary, 1…max.
0x01 0x00 (for Console 1) to 0x11F 0x00 (for
287 Consoles)
2 Requested consoles
0x01 0x00 (for Console 1) to 0x11F 0x00 (for
Console 287)