The following steps must be performed on each of the routers in the network.
Local IP Address
Location: Main
Ä Configuration
Ä LAN Set-up
Ä LAN IP Set-up
Ä IP Address / mask size
This is the IP address and subnet mask for the link of this router in the
unnumbered IP connection.
Usually the clocking signal is received from the link (see Appendix D -
Link Clocking Information). If the link interface is a V.11, V.35 or
RS232 connection and the link speed is different from the default
(64Kbps), and the router is to be the clock source, the link speed must
be set to the clock speed that the router receives from the DCE link
Link Speed
Location: Main
Ä Configuration
Ä WAN Set-up
Ä Link Set-up
Ä Link Speed
Bridge Connection
Once the link speeds have been configured, the router will attempt to establish the link
connection to the remote site PPP router. The Bridge connection does not require any
configuration for operation.
IP Router Connection
Once the link speeds and local IP address have been configured, the router will attempt to
establish the link connection to the remote site PPP router. The IP connection is an
unnumbered connection that requires only the configuration of the IP address of the
IPX Router Connection
Once the link speeds have been configured, the router will attempt to establish the link
connection to the remote site PPP router. The IPX connection is an unnumbered
connection that does not require any configuration.
If security is required for the direct dial connection refer to the Configure PPP Security section
for information on setting the security passwords and user names for PPP.