1 b) Defining this remote site profile within the IP Address connect table, which will
cause a call to be made when a packet for this IP address is routed,
Location: Main
Ä Configuration
Ä WAN Set up
Ä IP Address Connect
Ä IP Address Connect
1 c) Defining the Auto-Call option within the Edit Remote Site menu of this remote site
profile. (The Auto-Call option causes the router to attempt to establish a connection
to this remote site profile each time the router starts up.)
Location: Main
Ä Configuration
Ä WAN Set up
Ä Remote Site Set-up
Ä Edit Remote Site
Ä Connection Set-up
Ä Auto call
1 d) Setting up an activation schedule with times the connection is to be activated and
Location: Main
Ä Configuration
Ä WAN Set up
Ä Remote Site Set-up
Ä Edit Remote Site
Ä Activation
Ä Schedule
Activation intervals
1 e) If a second ISDN channel is available and traffic level is enabled, setting the traffic
load at which the second channel is to be activated.
Location: Main
Ä Configuration
Ä WAN Set up
Ä Remote Site Set-up
Ä Edit Remote Site
Ä Activation
Ä Threshold
Up Threshold
Down Threshold
Up Stability timer
Down Stability timer