
Manual for BL-521 5_3.doc © Copyright Brainboxes Limited 2004 Page 12 of 41
3.6. Advanced Settings
The Advanced Settings section contains a more detailed range of
settings that are least likely to require modification for any
particular scenario to work. Each field will be discussed further
When the Advanced Settings has been selected, an additional
section appears in the left-
hand section called Default Settings.
Both sections can be expanded at the same time to enable the
user to view the current settings and the default settings at the
same time.
As each section is opened, the previously opened section will
close to prevent information moving off the bottom of the screen
and thus requiring the user to scroll down.
Whenever a setting is changed, the field changes colour to
indicate that a change has been made but not applied. After
making a selection select the “Apply” icon to apply the setting.
Device Address
This field shows the Bluetooth Address (BD_ADDR) of the local device. As each Bluetooth device must have its
own unique address, this field cannot be edited or modified in any way.
Device Name
In scenario’s where more than 1 converter is to be used in the same geographical location (i.e. they are all in range
of each other/the controlling device), it may be wise to change the name of each device so that human users can
more easily identify each individual.
This field does not have a drop down list of options. You must select the field and edit the name to your
Memory constraints on the converter mean that you must ensure that your desired name is less than 30 characters.
The Factory setting for the local device name is “BL-521 BB RS232 Converter”.
Discoverability is a feature that allows any other Bluetooth device to “see” another, or not. Just because a Bluetooth
device is non-discoverable it doesn’t mean it’s not also connectable. Because a Bluetooth connection is made using
only the device’s address, if an application already knows the address of a non-discoverable remote device, and it
has already bonded (if appropriate) or knows the correct PIN number, then it can connect to that device. You may
wish to set this option to help avoid confusion when many BL-521’s exist in close proximity to each other.
This field has 2 options selected from the drop down list.
1) “On” is the default setting for the converters. This setting will make the converter “viewable” by any other
Bluetooth device.
2) Selecting “Off” immediately renders the converter “non-discoverable”. No other Bluetooth devices will be able to
see the converter when they perform a device discovery. However, in this mode, your BL-521 is still “connectable”.