Thank you for your purchase of this Briggs & Stratton Power Products® automatic transfer switch. This product is designed
for use with specific home standby generators and may not function with generators or remote modules produced by other
manufacturers. Seek a qualified electrical professional to determine applicability of this equipment to equipment manufactured
by others. When operated and maintained according to the instructions in this manual, your system will provide many years of
dependable service.
This manual contains safety information to make you aware of the hazards and risks associated with this system and how to
avoid them. We have made every effort to provide for a safe, streamlined and cost-effective installation. As each installation
is unique, it is impossible to know of and advise of all conceivable procedures and methods by which installation might be
achieved. We do not know all possible hazards and/or the results of each possible method or procedure. It is important that
you read and understand these instructions thoroughly before attempting to install or operate this equipment. Save these
original instructions for future reference.
This transfer switch and optional remote modules require professional installation before use. Refer to the Installation section
of this manual and the installation instructions packaged with the remote modules for instructions on installation procedures.
Only licensed electrical contractors should install transfer switches and remote modules. Installations must strictly comply with
all applicable federal, state and local codes, standards and regulations. Your installer should follow the instructions completely.
Where to Find Us
You never have to look far to find Briggs & Stratton support and service for your system. Consult your Yellow Pages. There
are many authorized service dealers who provide quality service. You can also contact Technical Service by phone at
800-743-4115 between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM CT, or click on Find a Dealer at BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM, which provides
a list of authorized dealers.
For Future Reference
Please fill out the information below and keep with your receipt to assist in unit identification for future purchase issues.
Transfer Switch Remote Module Remote Module Remote Module Remote Module
Model Number
Serial Number
Date Purchased
Remote Module Remote Module Remote Module Remote Module Remote Module Remote Module
Copyright © 2012. Briggs & Stratton Power Products Group, LLC
Milwaukee, WI, USA. All rights reserved.
Briggs & Stratton Power Products is a registered
trademark of Briggs & Stratton Corporation
Milwaukee, WI, USA