Voice operations 7
Voice calls can be made with the handset by
using the dial pad, One Touch key or by
pressing (Address Book) and entering a
three-digit Speed Dial number.
Making a telephone call 7
a Pick up the handset.
b When you hear the dial tone, enter a
number using the dial pad, One Touch
key or press (Address Book) and
enter a three-digit Speed Dial number.
c Replace the handset to hang up.
Hold 7
a Press Hook/Hold to put a call on Hold.
You can replace the handset without
disconnecting the call.
b Pick up the machine’s handset to
release the call from Hold.
You can pick up an extension telephone
and continue speaking without releasing
the call from Hold on the machine.
Telephone line
Features like Voice Mail, Call Waiting, Call
Waiting/Caller ID, RingMaster, answering
services, alarm systems or other custom
features on one telephone line may create
problems with the operation of your machine.
Do you have Voice Mail? 7
If you have Voice Mail on the telephone line
that you will install your new Machine on,
there is a strong possibility that Voice Mail
and the Machine will conflict with each other
while receiving incoming calls. However, the
Distinctive Ring feature allows you to use
more than one number on your line, so both
Voice Mail and the Machine can work
together without any problems. If each one
has a separate telephone number, neither will
interfere with the other's operations.
If you decide to get the Distinctive Ring
service from the telephone company, you will
need to follow the directions to 'register' the
new Distinctive Ring pattern they give you.
This is so your Machine can recognize its
incoming calls.
Telephone and external devices 7