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Windows-Speci c Operating System Features
Windows Vista Notes:
1) The “Roll Paper Pause” feature is not available in Vista.
2) This system supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Vista.
Windows XP / 2000 Professional Notes:
1) Paper Type Control – Select Cut Sheet, Roll, or Perforated Roll. This modi es
the printable area of all paper sizes (Letter, Legal, A4, and Custom).
2) Using Custom Forms
a. Select Start:Settings:Printers: select Server Properties.
b. On the Forms Page, create a form for use with custom paper size.
c. Allowed sizes:
Minimum width = 102 mm (4”)
Maximum width = 216 mm (8.5”)
Minimum height = 51 mm (2”)
Maximum height = 8.23 m (PJ-522 / PJ-562),
5.49 m (PJ-523 / PJ-563) , 65,535 print lines.
d. All forms created within these speci cations will be displayed as paper
size options.