Cabletron Systems TSX-1620 Switch User Manual

Interface application display 2-7
Interface Application Display Menu
Structure 2-7
Interface List 2-29
Interface Number 2-10
Interface port display form
options 2-9
invalid entry status 3-17
IP Address 2-4, 2-22, 3-6
Largest Frame 3-31
Learned Entry Discards 3-17
learned entry status 3-17
LIS (Listening) 2-13
Load 2-10
local management port 2-19
Local Segment Number 3-31
Location 2-4
log files
saving 3-39
LRN (Learning) 2-13
MAC Address 3-6
management entry status 3-17
manual conventions 1-3
Max Age 3-25
maximum log entries 3-38
maximum transfer unit 3-15
Bridge Port 3-5
Device 3-5
Menu Structure 2-7, 2-8
Meters tool
accessing 3-33
MIB I, II 1-2
MIB I, II Tool 2-30
MIBTree 1-2
Module Index 2-5
Module Type 2-5
mouse, using in the Hub View 2-5
MtuExceedDiscard 3-15
NetBIOS Broadcast Reduction 2-22
NetBIOS MAC addresses 2-23
NetBIOS name 2-24
NetBIOS utility 2-23
NLK 2-13
Non-Unicast 2-12
notification conditions 3-35
notification options 3-35
Number of Topology Changes 3-24
OFF 2-13
ON 2-12
Once only 3-37
open the Filtering Database window 3-16
opening the Hub View 2-1
Oper Status 2-9
other entry status 3-17
Out Discards 2-11
Out Errors 2-12
Out Load 2-11
Out Non-Unicast 2-12
Parity 2-20
Path Cost 3-28
Percentage button 3-9, 3-10
permanent entry status 3-18, 3-21
Physical Address 2-23
Pie Chart tool
accessing 3-33
polling interval
editing 3-40
Polling Intervals 2-4
polling intervals 2-15
Changing Path Cost 3-29
Changing Priority 3-29
Designated 3-29
Designated Cost 3-28
Path Cost 3-28
Port Color Codes
Bridge Application Display 2-14
Interface Application Display 2-12
Port Display Form 2-5, 2-9, 2-16
Port Display Form Options
Bridge 2-13
Interface 2-9
Port Index 2-5
Port Operational State 2-16
Port Security utility 2-25
Port Status 2-5